
Gwenyth Love spent her early years in the libraries of Hamilton, Ontario. She currently lives in Toronto with her son, boyfriend, too many animals and enough books to start a library of her own.

Crazy Rich Asians - Kevin Kwan 4.5/5 - Hilarious book. Seemed to leave quite a bit at the end that I would like to explore more. I hope there will be a second book. Only issue with the book was they very long descriptions of the food, clothing, houses, etc. I understand the need to feel just how rich the families were, and how well connected, but at times it was just exhausting. The narrator for the audiobook was fabulous!

Currently reading

Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Brian Tracy
Progress: 18/288 pages
The Harlequin
Laurell K. Hamilton
Progress: 135/432 pages